2. Workplace flexibility becomes the biggest topic of conversation in the workplace.

In study after study, and interview after interview, the topic that just keeps coming up is workplace flexibility. It’s such a big topic that it even relates to the other trends on this list and affects us all in some way, shape or form. First, we work 47 hours per week now and there is no longer such thing as a 40 hour workweek. Second, another study we did found that 64% of managers expect their employees to be reachable outside of the office on their personal time. As a result, another study we did found that more than half of workers feel burned out. Third, more employees are willing to either switch employers, or stay at their current employer, based on their flexibility programs. With the rise of telecommuting, co-working spaces, globalization, and new technology tools, workers are demanding flexibility. In the next few years, nearly every company will have a policy, especially because we are getting ready for the next “baby boom” when eighty million millennials have children.