Workshop: Discover Your Innovation Profile

Workshop at Workspring! Discover what your Innovation Profile looks like.

Join us on July 26, at 5:30pm at Workspring for an informative workshop showcasing our newest and largest Studio 1 and Peter Zapf, Partner and Design Planning Lead at Fogpilot.

In today’s marketplace of ideas, “Innovate or die” is the rallying cry for nearly every organization. Leaders and managers are busy stating innovation intents while marshaling multidisciplinary teams in a quest to create new value for tomorrow, often with little, if any, understanding of the process. However, more than 60 years of cognitive psychology research indicates that a universal process of creative problem solving (CPS) exists as a means to their innovative ends. Further research shows that everyone has varying levels of preference for each of its four stages.

In this workshop session, participants will complete the FourSight assessment and receive an overview of their individual and group profiles related to the CPS process. These profiles provide to individuals and teams an understanding of how they prefer to clarify, ideate, develop, and implement novel ideas. A collection of methods related to each stage will be shared.

FourSight is designed to foster innovation. Use it to leverage your own strengths and those of others. Take it as an invitation to:
– Build more innovative teams
– Anticipate roadblocks
– Get better results

A complimentary cocktail reception will be provided.

What people say about FourSight workshops:

“The FourSight Profile. It really helped our team members understand each other so we could quickly adapt to pressure packed situations and perform effectively.” – Marco Mariani, Executive Director at South Bend Heritage

“Peter Zapf  implemented the FourSight assessment with my team at Whirlpool and to our students at the Innovation Certification program at Notre Dame University. The assessment and his energetic delivery of the results allowed these teams to discover how to become more effective at their innovation practice. Highly recommended!” – Moises Norena Director of Strategic Innovation, Allstate

“Peter Zapf can help you to unlock your inner creativity by recognizing where your energy lies within the four-stage innovation process called FourSight.  Knowing your preferences will enable you to take your creativity to the next level, improving personal and collaborative creative problem-solving efforts.” – Gerard Puccio, Ph.D., Chair & Professor, International Center for Studies in Creativity

About the speaker: 

peter zapft portraitPeter Zapf is a design planner focused on helping organizations realize what is next for their stakeholders through a values-driven design process. As Design Planning Lead at Fogpilot, a Chicago-based consultancy, he facilitates strategic planning, brand design, and creative problem solving workshops. He has worked in advertising and marketing since 1986, writing and providing marketing strategy at nationally renowned agencies including Carmichael Lynch, DDB, The Leap Partnership, McConnaughy Stein Schmidt Brown, and :gyro. In addition to his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, Zapf has a Masters of Design Methods degree (MDM) from Illinois Institute of Technology Institute of Design, a leading center for human-centered innovation planning education. He is also certified FourSight coach. Zapf is also an adjunct professor at the Institute of Design and teaches Design Analysis and Synthesis and conducts innovations workshops with its executive education team. He also is a guest lecturer at the University of Notre Dame Stayer Center for Executive Education for its Certificate of Innovation Mentors program. For reasons he yet to grasp, he twice completed a 14-day course from the Boulder Outdoor Survival School (BOSS) located in Boulder, Utah.

Workspring is an offsite workplace for groups and team to accomplish strategy sessions, brainstorm meetings, weekend hackathons, and more. Interested in a personal tour of our space for your offsite needs? Great! Call us at 800 605 9092 or email to schedule the tour. We’re happy to help. Be sure to check out our Insights Library!

Collaboration, Insights, News, Productivity, Workspring Hosted Events